
London. Sightseeings ( План – конспект уроку у 8 класі)

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London. Sightseeings ( План – конспект уроку у 8 класі)


Objectives of the lesson: to develop pupils’ listening, speaking,
reading skills; to encourage them to use new vocabulary; to develop
pupils’ imagination and creative thinking, to broaden pupils’ knowledge
about London.

Equipment: pictures, handouts (the map of London), text for listening


I. Greeting. Warming-up.

Teacher: Good afternoon! Glad to see everybody!

Pupils: Good afternoon, teacher! We’re glad to see you, too!

Teacher: Today we shall continue to speak about London and traveling
about London. By the way, do you like traveling? What cities of Ukraine
or other countries did you visit? What did you like the most about the
city (town) you visit?

Pupil 1: I like traveling very much, that’s why I have already visited
many cities in Ukraine. However, the most impressive was visit to Warsaw
last year. It is very nice European city; there are a lot of ancient and
modern architectural buildings. Moreover, people there are very
hospitable and friendly.

Pupil 2, 3…

Teacher: Thank you too much!

I. Listening

Teacher: And now we should come back to London, especially to its
history. We will listen to the text, the title of which is “The fire of
London”. This text is about the catastrophe that changed London and
lives of thousands of Londoners completely. So, your task is to listen
carefully and after put True (T) or False (F) to the statements on your
answer sheets. Are you ready?

Pupils: Yes, we’re ready to listen.

“The Fire of London”

The old city of London had narrow, crooked streets and wooden houses. It
was a dirty city, too. In 1665 75, 000 Londoners died from the plague.
On September 2nd 1666 a bakery in Pudding Lane near London Bridge caught
fire. After a long hot summer the wooden houses were very dry. A wind
was blowing from the river. It blew the flames from house to house, and
in the narrow streets the fire spread quickly. The fire burned for four
days. It destroyed 80% of the city. Amazingly, nobody died in the fire.
The people of London built a new city. The houses were made of brick or
stone, not wood. The new streets were straight and they were wider and
cleaner, too. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral.

After- Listening stage

Teacher: And now the statements:

The old city of London had narrow, crooked streets and wooden houses.

It was very clean city. (T)

In 1665 thousands of Londoners died from cancer. (F)

In 1666 a bakery in Pudding Lane was destroyed by flood. (F)

After a long hot summer the wooden house were dry. (T)

A wind was blowing from the City and in the narrow streets the fire
spread quickly. (F)

The fire burned for four weeks.(F)

All people died in the fire. (F)

The people of London built a new city. (T)

The houses were made of brick or stone and new streets were straight and
wider. (T)

Thank you! Pass your works, please.

Now you will listen to the text again. Then you should describe the
pictures which reflect that unpleasant event.

So, you already have pictures and you should say a couple of words about
what, you think, is described on the picture.

Pupil1: To my mind this id the old city of London. We can see dirty,
narrow, crooked streets and wooden houses. There are also a lot of rats,
which are possible reason for people’s death from plague.

Pupil2: This is the fire in bakery in Pudding Lane,… .

Pupil3: This is a big fire in the city of London, we can see people
running in different directions, they are in panic and try to save
themselves from the flame.

Pupil 4: On this picture we can see already new London with straight,
wide streets, houses made of brick and stone. There is also St. Paul’s
Cathedral, which was rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren.

Teacher: Thank you too much, your descriptions were very precise and

III. Phonetical practice of new lexis. “Sightseeing in London”.

Teacher: It’s high time to repeat the names of famous places in London.
Who remembers, what places of interest in London do we already know?

Pupils: Trafalgar Square, the Tower of London, the Houses of
Parliament,… .

Teacher: Ok, let’s practice them once more, repeat after me: Trafalgar
Square, Oxford Street, the Houses of Parliament, Bank of England, River
Thames, Bucking ham Palace, Downing Street.

Now you’ll get some pictures and your task is to guess the place and
give a description of the place of interest, and if possible to give
facts from the history of the place.

Pupil1: This is a Trafalgar Square. We can see a fountain and a lot of
pigeons, which are feeded by people.

Pupil2: We saw a Tower of London, which was built in XI century. A lot
of people lost their heads there.

Pupils3,4… .

IV. Introducing and practicing of new words.

Teacher: Children, we all know that when we’re lost in some unknown city
or we don’t know how to get to the place we need, we ask for what?

Pupils: for the directions.

Teacher: True, we ask for the directions. So, let’s remind and learn
which directions we usually use:


Straight ahead



Away from


Near here

Next to opposite

In front of

On the corner of on the left

On the right

Teacher: Now we all know all the directions we need while traveling, so
we can easily begin our sightseeing tour to London.

On your handouts you can see a map of London, where all the places of
interest, streets and parts of the city are signed. And also there is a
text, let’s first read and translate it (pupils read and translate the
text “A Sightseeing Tour”).

Next task is to find and tell all possible ways of getting from:

Southwark Cathedral to London Museum

Green park to War museum

St. Paul’s Cathedral to Westminster Abbey

The Tower to Marble Arch

Pupil1: In order to get from Southwark Cathedral to London museum, we
should take first turning on the left, and then go over the London
Bridge, take the 2nd turning on the left and straight ahead we can see
London Museum.

Pupil 2, 3,4.

V. Speaking

Teacher: Imagine the situation that you’re Londoners and your classmate
is tourist. You should give the direction to the place tourist asks
(making up dialogues- 5 minutes). You should get from:

Piccadilly Circus to Marble Arch

Trafalgar Square to Westminster Abbey

Buckingham Palace to Piccadilly Circus

Hyde Park to Buckingham Palace.

Possible answer:

Pupil1: Excuse me, may I ask you a question?

Pupil2: Yes, can I help you?

Pupil1: How can I get to the Marble Arch?

Pupil2: Oh, it’s very easy. We’re now on Piccadilly Circus. You should
go along Regent Street, then turn on the left, after go along Oxford
Street and on the right you will the Marble Arch.

Pupil1: So, I should go along Regent Street, then take turning on the
left, and straight ahead is Marble Arch.

Pupil2: Yes, you’re right.

Pupil1: Thank you very much!

Pupil2: You’re welcome.

VI. Summing-up

Teacher: During the lesson we spoke about sightseeing in London,
directions how to get to the places, we also spoke about a bit about
history of City of London; you listened to the text, read and made
dialogues. You worked hard today and your marks are the following … .






















assignment: for the next lesson you have to make up dialogues “How to
get from … to…?” on the basis of that you made on the lesson, using as
much new words and phrases as possible and dramatize them. Is everything
clear? Do you have any questions to me? If no, then see you next time.

Good bye!

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