
What sort of people are we? (конспект уроку)

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Активизировать в речи учащихся употребление ЛО по теме: ”WHAT SORT OF

Систематизировать знания учащихся по данной теме.

Развивать навыки поискового чтения.

Практиковать учащихся в устной речи по данной теме.

Способствовать развитию самостоятельного мышления, выработки
коммуникативной компетенции, воспитанию уважения друг к другу,
национальным традициям и обычаям других народов.

1. T. :We live on the planet called the Earth. Does our planet differ
from other planets of our Solar system? It certainly does. There is life
on it and it is inhabited by human beings called people.

Can we say that all people are alike? Of course, no. We are all so
different. And it is quite impossible to find two similar persons.

Some people can be tall. Some people can be short. Some are thin, others
are fat. Some are attractive, others are not very attractive
(optimistic-pessimist, generous-mean, ambitious-unambitious,
patient-impatient, hard-working-lazy, tidy-untidy, cheerful-moody).

Some can be with good manners, others with bad ones.

2. The pupils complete the following columns:

Adjective Opposite

(Adj.+prefix) (different

tidy untidy

happy unhappy

kind unkind

intelligent unintelligent

polite impolite

attractive unattractive

interesting uninteresting

formal informal

3. The pupils put the words from the 1-st column in order of their
importance concerning the people’s traits (1st-the most important, 8th-
the least important).Then pupils discuss it as a class.

4. Communicative situation.

T.: Do you want to know what sort of person you are?

I’ve invited a psychologist to our lesson. This is Miss K. She has got a
special quiz with her. You should answer her questions.

Ps-t.: Are you always smiling and happy?

P.: Yes, I’m. I’m always smiling and happy.

Ps-t.: Then you are a cheerful person.

1 Are you usually smiling and happy? (o) (

2 Do you enjoy the company of other people? (c) (

3 Do you find it difficult to meet new people? (f) (

4 Is it important to you to succeed in your career? (h) (

5 Does your mood change often and suddenly for no reason? (k) (

6 Do you notice other people’s feelings? (p) (

7 Do you think the future will be good? (b) (

8 Can your friends depend on you? (n) (

9 Is your room often in a mess? (a) (

10 Do you get annoyed if you have to wait for anyone or anything? (g) (

11 Do you put off until tomorrow what you could do today? (i) (

12 Do you work hard? (l) (

13 Do you keep your feelings and ideas to yourself? (e) (

14 Do you often give presents? (j) (

15 Do you talk a lot? (d) (

16 Are you usually calm and not worried by things? (m) (

















5. The pupils discuss which of the adjectives above are positive
qualities and which are negative. Which could be both?

Keys: b, c, j, l, n, o, p are possibly positive qualities.

a, g, i, k are possibly negative.

d, e, f, h, m could be both.

6. One of the pupils describes someone in the class without saying who
it is. All the rest should guess who he is speaking about.

7.Work in groups.

The teacher asks pupils to describe some of their teachers using the
adjectives for describing people’s character.

8. Reading Activity

Pupils read the text “My Aunt Emily” (New Headway. Intermediate. Oxford
University Press. Unit 2, p.23)

My Aunt Emily

Of all my relatives, I like my Aunt Emily the best. She’s my mother’s
youngest sister. She has never married, and she lives alone in a small
village near Bath.

She’s in her late fifties, but she’s still quite young in spirit. She
has a fair complexion, thick brown hair which she wears in a bun, and
dark brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first
thing you notice is her lovely, warm smile. Her face is a little
wrinkled now, but I think she is still rather attractive. She is the
sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem.

She likes reading and gardening, and she goes for long walks over the
hills with her dog, Buster. She’s a very active person. Either she’s
making something, or mending something, or doing something to help
others. He does the shopping for some of the old people in the village.
She’s extremely generous, but not very tolerant with people who don’t
agree with her. I hope that I am as happy and contended as she is when
I’m her age.

Pupils go through the text and find the parts in the text which describe

physical appearance



9. Speaking Activity

Pupils give similar description of a member of their family including
the following:

physical description of a person,

their character, habits, likes and dislikes,

their opinion of a person

10. Writing Activity

T. :We’ve discussed what sort of persons you are, your teachers, the
members of your family and now, let’s discuss people as a nation. The
first task is to complete the chart with the country, the nationality
(adjective) and the people, and you must write one sentence about the

Country Adjective People

Switzerland Swiss the Swiss

The Swiss make good cheese

Italy – –

– Greek –

the Netherlands – –

– Chinese –

Scotland – –

– English –

– – the Finns

Germany – –


The Italians eat a lot of pasta.

The Greeks had many philosophers.

The Dutch grow a lot of tulips.

The Chinese cook lots of noodles.

The Scots wear kilts.

The English talk a lot about weather.

The Fins like taking saunas.

The Germans are good at business.

11. The pupils give the stereotypes for different nations: American,
Japanese, German, French, Italian, British, and Ukrainian. The pupils
are given a list of adjectives and they should choose which adjectives
go with these nationalities.

hard-working easy-going punctual friendly reserved emotional lazy
hospitable sociable formal casual enthusiastic quiet tolerant
talkative sophisticated well-dressed fun-loving respectful serious
humorous nationalistic romantic

Possible answers

American: hard-working, friendly, hospitable, casual, enthusiastic,

Japanese: hard-working, punctual, reserved, formal, quiet, respectful.

German: hard-working, punctual, formal, nationalistic.

French: emotional, outgoing, sociable, enthusiastic, sophisticated,
well-dressed, nationalistic, romantic.

Italian: easy-going, friendly, emotional, lazy, outgoing, sociable,
fun-loving, enthusiastic, well-dressed.

British: reserved, lazy, formal, quiet, tolerant, respectful, serious,

Ukrainians: hospitable, friendly, humorous, sociable, casual,

12. The teacher asks questions about the manners of different
nationalities based on the text “A World Guide to Good Manners. How not
to behave badly abroad.”(New Headway. Intermediate. Oxford University
Press. Unit 4, p.41)

1). Which nationalities are the most and the least punctual?

(The Germans are the most and the Italians are the least punctual.)

2). Which nationalities do not like to eat and do business at the same

time? (The Japanese, the Germans, the French).

3). Which nationalities have the rules of behaviour about hands? What
are these rules?

a) In France you have to shake hands with all your friends.

b) In America you have to eat your hamburger with both hands and as
quickly as possible.

c) In Thailand you should clasp your hands together when you greet

d) In the Middle East you must never use your left hand for greeting,
eating, drinking or smoking.

13. Situation.

An American Mr. N. is going to Japan to complete a business deal with
his Japanese partner. What advice would you give him?

a) You should remember the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.

b) You should exchange business cards immediately when you meet someone
for the first time. Do it with both hands.

c) Don’t put your feet on your desk.

d) Don’t blow your nose in public.

e) Don’t shake hands, bow.

14. Conclusion

T.: Today we have discussed the problem “What sort of people are we?”

We spoke about different people’s qualities, their traits of character.






























We spoke about stereotypes of nationalities, their good manners and
habits. So, you see that we are all very different. We can’t be alike.
And this diversity is wonderful. If we were alike we wouldn’t be people
then but robots. What we should always remember is that we must respect
each other, be tolerant to each other and treat other people as we want
them to treat us.

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