
Навколишнє середовище: як зберегти його здоровим для людей (урок)

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ТЕМА УРОКУ: Навколишнє середовище: як зберегти його здоровим для людей


ПРАКТИЧНА: робота над навчальним текстом з метою розширення
словникового запасу учнів та підготовки до творчого письма ;

РОЗВИВАЮЧА: розвивати швидку мовленнєву реакцію, навики зв’язного
висловлювання, навики словникової роботи ;.

ОСВІТНЯ: розширювати знання учнів про небезпеку забруднення
навколишнього середовища та наслідки від забруднення, оволодіння
лексикою ;

ВИХОВНА : переконати учнів у необхідності берегти Землю.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: слайди магнітофон картки з завданнями малюнки,
підручник New Pre-Intermediate (OUP) .



Today we are going to discuss a very important topic, our environment
and a great number of problems connected with the world around us. The
aim of our lesson is written on the board. Our homework was to read the
text, learn the words, answer the questions and be ready to discuss the
main ideas of it.

A healthy environment supports personal health; a damaged environment
ruins it. (a photo of ‘ The Earth eyes’). You can see a very impressive
but gloomy photo: the picture of suffering Earth. Look at the picture,
it doesn’t take much time to understand that the Earth we live on is in
danger. You can read the words ‘Environment: to live or to die?’

(The beginning of slide show). (1) How old is the Earth? Some of the
scientists consider that it is about 4,600,000 years old. If we compare
the age of the Earth with the life span ( life expectancy) of a human
being, it could be equal to 46 years old. People of this age have some
particular problems with health and the same problems our environment
has. We deal with them in our everyday life: breathe in the polluted
air, listen to TV news about droughts, floods and famine in different
parts of the world. We eat unhealthy food and drink dirty water. We and
our environment are really part of a single world. (2) If the air is
fresh, our lungs can be healthy. (3) If the water is pure, you can drink
it without fear. (4) If we are surrounded by natural beauty, we feel
happy. (5) If there are a lot of forests and greenery, the views are
enjoyable. (6) If we take care of every little bird in frosty, snowy
forests and mountains, every roe in the Carpathian mountains, we’ll
survive. (7) We’ll have enough sea food and fish if we take care of the
seas and oceans.

In our textbooks (SB p. 92) there is a quotation. Read it, please :

‘Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can’t eat

Our tasks are to decide:

Who said these words :

a) a political leader; d) an African

b) a member of Greenpeace; e) a Greek philosopher;

c) an American Indian; f) a French farmer

When it was said :

a) in the 5-th century BC;

b) in the 19-th century;

c) in the 20-th century.

The pupils read the quotation and suggest their ideas. After the
discussion we pass over to the next step of the lesson.


The aim of the task is to train the vocabulary of the Unit and to
prepare the pupils for further discussion.

The class is united into 4 groups and each group is given the following
tasks (See the cards 1,2,3,4):

Find a word to the following definitions.

Form nouns from the following adjectives/ verbs.

Underline the synonyms / opposites.

Comment the quotation.

(the work is done while the slide of a sea coast is being demonstrated
and eco music is played)

All the pupils are involved in work, they fulfill their group tasks (but
they don’t comment the last quotation), check and correct the mistakes
of their friends. After the fulfillment of the tasks we start doing



‘The Man Who Planted Trees’

The aim of the task is to develop comprehensive and speaking skills.

For thousands of years people tried to make their life safe and
protected and they always understood the importance of green forests
which were the most essential part of their life.

(Slide show) Before listening and discussing the text, let’s have a look
at these pictures of forests. We’ll see European and even Asian, unusual
for us, forests.

(1) Let’s have a walk along green, summer forest and

(2) have a rest on a forest gathering.

(3) Let’s travel along Carpathian mountains or

(4) wander along the mysterious paths from fairy tales.

(5) This bamboo forest is unusual for us but it’s the habitat for pandas
and exotic birds. Pandas could become extinct species in the wild
because bamboo trees are being chopped down.

(6) After Asia we’ll return to our native forests and enjoy the autumn
beauty of them

(7) and stop here, on a sun-lit forest clearing to discuss the
importance of healthy environment.

The pupils continue working in groups. All of them listen to the text,
after listening they answer the questions according to the parts of the
text: e.g. Group 1 – questions to part 1, etc. If a pupil from another
group has something to add, he/

she can do it. While working with the text the teacher pays special
attention to the trained vocabulary.


Extract 1

About forty years ago, I was taking a long trip on foot over mountain
heights quite unknown to tourists. All around was barren and colourless
land. Nothing grew there but wild lavender.

After five hours’ walking I had still not found water. All about me was
the same dryness, the same coarse grasses. I thought I saw in the
distance a small black silhouette. It was a shepherd. Thirty sheep were
lying about him on the baking earth. He gave me a drink and took me to
his cottage on the plain.

I felt peace in the presence of this man. I asked if I might rest here
for- a day. He found it quite natural—or, to be more exact, he gave me
the impression that nothing could surprise him. I didn’t actually need
to rest, but I was interested and wished to know more about him.

1. Giono wrote the story in 1953. In which year does the actual story

2. The story takes place in France. Which part of France do you think it
is? Why? What is the countryside like?

3. Why do you think the writer is interested in the shepherd? What do
you think he likes about his lifestyle?

Extract 2

I noticed that he carried for a stick an iron thick as my thumb and
about a metre and a half long. He began thrusting his iron rod into the
earth, making a hole in which he planted an acorn; then he refilled the
hole. He was planting oak trees.

After the midday meal he resumed his planting. I suppose I must have
been fairly insistent in my questioning, for he answered me. For three
years had been planting trees in this wilderness. He had planted one
hundred thousand. Of the hundred thousand, twenty thousand had sprouted.
Of the twenty thousand he still expected to lose half. There remained
ten thousand oak trees to grow where nothing had grown before.

That was when I began to wonder about the age of this man. He was
obviously over fifty. Fifty-five he told me. His name was Elza Bouffier.
I told him that in thirty years his ten thousand oaks would be
magnificent. He answered that if God granted him life, in another thirty
years he would have planted so many more that these ten thousand would
be like a drop of water in the ocean.

The next day we parted.

4. How old do you think the writer was at the time of the story? A boy
in his teens? In his twenties? Middle-aged? Older? Why?

5. How old will Elzeard be in thirty years time? What year will it be?

6. What do you think Elzeard’s ambition is? What is his vision of the

Extract 3

I had seen too many men die during those five years not to imagine
easily that Elzeard Bouffier was dead, especially since, at twenty, one
regards men of fifty as old men with nothing left to do but die. Не was
not dead. As a matter of fact, he was extremely well. Нe had changed
jobs. Нe had got rid of the sheep because they threatened his young
trees. For, he told me, the war had disturbed him not at all. Нe had
imperturbably continued to plant.

The oaks were then ten years old and taller than both of us. It was an
impressive spectacle. I was literally speechless, and as he did not
talk, we spent the whole day walking in silence through his forest. It
measured eleven kilometres in length and three kilometres at its
greatest width. When you remembered that all this had come from the
hands and the soul of this one man, you understood that men could be as
effective as God in ways other than destruction.

7. Why did the writer think that Elzeard might have died’?

8. How had the war affected Elzeard?

9. Why is the writer speechless?

10. What thoughts about human behaviour does he have in the last

Extract 4

The bus put me down in Vergons. In 1913 this village of ten or twelve
houses had three inhabitants. All about them nettles were feeding upon
the remains of abandoned houses. Now everything had changed.

Even the air. Instead of the harsh dry winds, a gentle breeze was
blowing, laden with scents. A sound like water came from the mountains:
it was the wind in the forest. Most amazing of all, I heard the actual
sound of water falling into a pool. I saw a fountain had been built.
Ruins had been cleared away, and five houses restored. Now there were
twenty-eight inhabitants, four of them young married couples. It was now
a village where one would like to live.

When I think that one man was able to cause this land of Canaan to grow
from wasteland, I am convinced that in spite of everything, humanity is

Elzeard Bouffier died peacefully in his sleep in 1947.

11. What has happened in the writer’s life that could have made him

Is he in fact pessimistic about the world? Give a reason for your

12. How is it that so many people owe their happiness to one man? What
are the results of his tree-planting?

13. How old is Elzeard when he dies? Why is it so important that he had
a long life?


The aim of the task is to train the vocabulary that characterizes people
and their actions.

The pupils answer the questions ‘How would you describe the personality
of Elzeard Bouffier? They are supposed to use the words like optimistic,
reserved, shy, patient, generous, hard-working, reliable, sensitive,
kind, caring creative, decisive, etc. Using these words in sentences,
the pupils have to explain their

choice of characteristics giving the reasons. While doing this task we
develop the ideas of keeping the environment green and healthy for
people, the importance of planting trees and taking care of them.

Key words:

optimistic ,reserved, shy, patient, imperturbable, generous,
hard-working, reliable, sensitive, kind, caring, creative, decisive.

(the key words are on the screen)

The pupils answer the teacher’s questions:

What did he devote his life to? What message did Elzeard Bouffier try
to make about nature?


The pupils sum up their ideas, e.g. The main message of his life was
hard work for the sake of preserving nature and turning barren wasteland
into a safe , blooming land. It takes about 30- 40 years to grow a
forest but it takes just some minutes to cut down a tree or some hours
to burn the forest down.

The teacher demonstrates slide show about healthy/damaged environment
and we come back to the work with the cards. The teacher demonstrates
illustrations of different sights (pictures of nature), and the pupils
answer the questions:

If Elzeard Bouffier had lived at the end of the XX-th, beginning of
the XXI-th centuries, what kind of surrounding could he have seen?

What kind of message could he have left if he had seen such spectacles
of nature?

The pupils have key words which help them to comment the pictures. (See
card B)

Key words:

Adjectives: protected, safe, secure, friendly, pleasant, (un)healthy,
magnificent, inspiring, exciting, breathtaking, impressive, fertile;
picturesque, harmonic, multicoloured, (un)damaged

(un)stable, barren, poor, wild, dangerous, hostile, abandoned, dull,

Verbs: improve, preserve, protect, save, suffer (positive)

damage, pollute, ruin, contaminate, deforest (negative)

forest clearing, young seal, turtle, plastic bag

Forest fires, cut down/ chop down trees, deserts instead of forests,
droughts, famine, wasteland.

Complete the sentences:

If we don’t take care of wildlife, many animals ….(be) in danger.

If there were not forest fires, fertile soils …(not turn) into

If people …(not destroy) forests, they would not change into deserts.

If people ….(pay) more attention to environmental protection, they would
be happier and healthier.

If we …( not stop) ruining nature, we will not survive.

If people …(not contaminate) air and soil, they would get better crops
and be richer.

Unless we (fight) pollution, we cannot safeguard our children’s future.

To sum up their discussion the pupils read the words from the screen:

‘I wish you always:

Air to breathe,

Fire to warm you,

Water to drink and

the Earth to live in.

I wish this to you from my
heart’ –

which can be regarded as the message to the coming generations.

Each card has a quotation about the importance of preserving trees and
forests in good condition.

‘We haven’t inherited the Earth from our fathers. We are both borrowing
it from our children.’

The pupils are given time to read, think everything over and express
their ideas about the quotation. All ideas are greeted and discussed. (a
slide is on the screen)

To finish the lesson, the teacher demonstrates the photo of ‘ The Earth
eyes’ with the words ‘It’s your world! Take care of it!’ and sums up the
results of the work.

As a kind of home assignment the pupils are suggested writing a profile
of Elzeard Bouffier and the job he had done to keep the environment
green and healthy for people.

Додатки до уроку

Card 1

‘People without children would face a hopeless future; a country without
trees is almost as hopeless’ (Theodore Roosevelt)

I. Find a word to the following definitions. Mind that one definition is

1.barren a) a large sandy piece of land where
there is very little rain

2.shepherd b) a large stretch of flat land

3.plain c) a man or boy who takes care of sheep
in the field

d) (of land) unable to produce a
good crop

II. Form nouns from the following adjectives:

high- ………. dry- ……..

III. Underline the synonyms to the base adjective:

coarse – bright, awful, vulgar, impressive, rough, ugly, rude.

We can use ‘coarse’ when speak about: sand, cloth, hair, jokes.

Find the opposite:

coarse – kind, smooth, wealthy, fine

‘We haven’t inherited the Earth from our fathers. We are both borrowing
it from our children’ (Lester R. Brown)

Card 2

‘The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness’
(John Muir)

I. Find a word to the following definitions. Mind that one definition is

1.thrust a) to produce thunder

2. remain b) to push forcefully and suddenly

3.sprout c) to stay or left behind after others have

d) to cause to grow or send up new

II. Form nouns from the following adjectives:

wild – …… ; ambitious- …….
; insistent – ……;

III. Underline the synonyms to the base adjective:

magnificent – great, effective, impressive, beautiful, poor, majestic,

We can use ‘ magnificent ‘ when speak about mountains, building,
performance, scenery.

Find the opposite:

magnificent – powerful, poor

‘We haven’t inherited the Earth from our fathers. We are both borrowing
it from our children’ (Lester )

Card 3

‘Next to the Earth itself the forest is the most useful servant of man’
(Gifford Pinchot)

I. Find a word to the following definitions. Mind that one definition is

1. imperturbable a) to express or give warning of something

2. destruction b) to count again

3. threaten c) the act of destroying or state of being

d) cannot be worried, remain calm and
steady in spite of difficulties

II. Form nouns from the following adjectives:

long – …… , wide -…… ,
effective – …..;

III. Underline the synonyms to the base adjective:

impressive – exciting, kind, inspiring, awful, breathtaking, majestic.

We can use ‘impressive’ when speak about collection, result, sight,
victory, performance.

Find the opposite:

impressive – dull, interesting.

‘We haven’t inherited the Earth from our fathers. We are both borrowing
it from our children’ (Lester R. Brown)

Card 4

‘ Mother planet is showing us the red warning light – ‘be careful’ – she
is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our house,
forests and nature’ (The Dalai Lama)

I. Find a word to the following definitions. Mind that one definition is

1. inhabitant a) cause somebody to belief

2. wasteland b) a person who lives in a particular place

3. convince c) anything said or done to cause laughter

d) an unattractive land, often with old
ruined buildings, factories, etc. on it

II. Form adjectives from the following verbs:

abandon – …… , restore – …..
, lade – …..;

III. Underline the synonyms to the base adjective:

gentle – sensitive, generous, kind, extreme, tender, attractive.

We can use ‘ gentle’ when we speak about breeze,



















+Adjectives: protected, safe, secure, friendly, pleasant, (un)healthy,
magnificent, inspiring, exciting, breathtaking, impressive, fertile;
picturesque, harmonic, multicoloured, (un) damaged.

(un)stable, barren, poor, wild, dangerous, hostile, abandoned, dull,

Verbs: improve, preserve, protect, save, suffer.

damage, pollute, ruin, contaminate, deforest.

forest clearing, young seal, turtle, plastic bag

Forest fires, cut down / chop down trees, deserts instead of forests,
droughts, famine, wasteland.

Complete the sentences:

If we don’t take care of wildlife, many animals ….(be) in danger.

If there were not forest fires, fertile soils …( not turn) into

If people …(not destroy) forests, they would not change into deserts.

If people ….(pay) more attention to each other, they would be happier.

If we …( not stop) to ruin nature, we will not survive.

If people …(not contaminate) air and soil, they would get better crops
and be healthier.

Unless we (fight) pollution, we cannot safeguard our children’s future.


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